Mental Health Awareness Month––Are You Savvy?

Mental Health Awareness Month––Are You Savvy?

In the United States, May is recognized as Mental Health Awareness month. Volumes of research findings have been published in the past few years that give us much to think about (pun intended).

There was a time when mental wellness had a broad and vague description. The lack of research and clarity left many people feeling ashamed or embarrassed to share their concerns about their mental health––much less ask for help. Numerous research groups and organizations are taking advantage of technology’s advancements in nutrition, brain scanning and mapping and treatment measures. Thankfully, this new research has helped to de-stigmatize the formerly known ‘mental illness’ so that people can openly seek the support they need.

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The Amare Global Mental Wellness Nutritional Supplement Company answers the question, what is Mental Wellness, with “It’s Everything: Focus, Confidence, Stress Resilience, Pressure Management, Mental Performance, Physical Performance and Financial Wellness.” Their product line addresses the connection in gut-and-brain-wellness.

Last week I posted about Older Americans Month. Mental wellness is high on the priority list of many older people, as they may be experiencing a decline in mental function. Recently, I completed a webinar study hosted by Julia Lundstrom, a Neuroscience and Brain Health Educator with Simple Smart Science. Her topic was how inflammation in the brain contributes to brain health decline which affects cognitive function and memory impairment.

Some causes of Brain Inflammation include:

• Stress: Chronic stress may come from injury, illness, relationships, environment, or finances. This ongoing condition raises cholesterol levels, cortisol levels, (neurotoxic in large and consistent amounts), blood sugar levels and blood pressure while lowering immune function, melatonin and serotonin levels.

• Sleep deprivation or disruption leads to poor brain activity that can contribute to brain inflammation. Night time is the brain’s cleaning out time. It carries out the toxic trash that lingers between the neuron’s synapses (the contact points where neurons communicate). Immune function is also impaired when we don’t get enough restful sleep.

• Food choices: Your diet greatly determines your brain’s inflammation point. Inflammation promoting foods include: caffeine, saturated and trans fats, sugar and its substitutes, bread-pasta-rice-potatoes-gluten, MSG, condiments, alcohol, bacon, canned soups––most processed/packaged foods. Whew!

Inflammation Busters include:

• Anti-inflammatory foods from a garden or tree (fresh, seasonal), green tea, berries, coconut and olive oils, nuts, fatty fish (Omega-3), pineapple, chia-flax-hemp seeds, turmeric, peas-beans.

• Meditation

• Lowered lifestyle stressors. Adopt a preventive lifestyle.

• Lowered environmental stressors: Air and water purifiers, non-toxic household supplies, skin- care and cosmetics, etc.

• Self care on a regular basis, including: massage, sauna, spa-day, etc.

• Fitness/play on a regular basis. Walking is a great stress-buster and a great way to “clear your head.”

Advancements in technology have opened a whole new world in brain health. Finally, professionals can see what is happening inside your skull. Scans or mappings show where areas of the brain have been injured or are malfunctioning. I’m thrilled that brain specialists also consider nutritional therapy as possible treatment when appropriate.

Some of the brain specialists I follow include:

• Dr. Daniel Amen:

• Dr. Mark DeBrincat: (in Colorado)

• Suzy Bute: Healthy Lifestyles, AZ, 480-440-0909. Qeeg Brain Mapping & NeruoFeeback Training (in Arizona)

Some of the products I personally use to keep my brain healthy and young include:

• VoxxLife Human Performance Technology and Brain Optimization:

• Amare Global Mental Wellness Company: Award winning Natural-ingredients nutritional supplement line promoting gut-brain health.

Savor the Season!

- Connie