Begin Now––Prepping for a Strong Immune System

Begin Now––Prepping for a Strong Immune System

It’s never too late to take steps to get stronger-better-healthier. Autumn is just around the corner and Winter will certainly follow with its shorter, colder and often grayer days.

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Studies show that nearly 90% of U.S. residents are deficient in Vitamin D. Now is the time to take advantage of these beautiful golden, sunny days to soak up vital Vitamin D. The great outdoors in Colorado is especially inviting in this season.

The seasonal dietary shift from Summer’s fresh and cooling garden produce to Autumn’s heartier warming foods is an important step in preparing your immune system for the next seasons. Gut health is vital for a strong immune response, and eating seasonally insures you are getting a variety of immune boosting nutrients.

Our impressive immune system is a complex system influenced by a number of factors (sleep, food choices, stress management, fitness) that when, ideally, come together in a synchronistic and balanced manner, improve and strengthen our immune function. Did you know that your body supports two types of immunity?

Your first line of defense comes from the Innate Immunity. When harmful pathogens try to enter your body, it goes on guard to defend from this invasion. Your natural protective barriers include:

• Skin: the outer covering that prevents the majority of pathogens from entering

• Mucus: a slimy lubrication substance that traps pathogens (eyes, ears, nose, throat are common entryways)

• Stomach acid: digestive fluid that destroys pathogens

• Enzymes in our sweat and tears: lysozyme helps create anti-bacterial compounds

• Immune system cells: numerous cells that attack all foreign cells entering the body; there are specific immune cells for specific pathogens

The second form of immune protection is the adaptive or acquired immunity. This system learns to recognize a pathogen. It is regulated by cells and organs in our body like the spleen, thymus, bone marrow, and lymph nodes. When a foreign substance enters the body, these cells and organs create antibodies and lead to multiplication of immune cells (including different types of white blood cells) that are specific to that harmful substance and attack and destroy it. Our immune system then adapts by remembering the foreign substance. If a particular pathogen attempts re- entry, these antibodies and cells are even more efficient and quick to destroy it.

Daily our bodies are exposed to untold and potentially harmful microbes and pathogens. A strong and well-prepared immune system can take immediate action to protect us from these invaders. Here are a few suggestions offered from various wellness providers to build and boost your immune system for the upcoming season changes as well as the “cold-flu-covid” season:

• Vitamin D

• Vitamin A

• Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

• Iodine

• Zinc

• Probiotics

• Curcumin

• Quercertin

• Echinacea, elderberry, astragalus or garlic

• Nebulized Hydrogen Peroxide

• Silver Hydrosol

• Oregano Essential Oil

• Hand washing with natural soaps rather than the chemical/synthetic sanitizers

• And many others

PLEASE consult with your personal wellness provider. It is best to have blood-work done to determine appropriate dosages of Vitamin D for your specific needs. This is a suggestion list and not all items may be appropriate for your needs.

Your body was designed to stay healthy. Any gentle, “natures-way” support to its original design and function will bring strength and vitality in every season!

Savor the Season.

Connie PshigodaComment