Fall Food Focus: Cabbage

It’s October-fest season! Celebrations are drawing crowds all across the nation.Towns across Colorado have already begun the weekend festivities. If you want to participate in the lively events and get your fill of beer, brats, sauerkraut and more check out local listings in your area for a celebration near you.

I don’t intend to take the fun out of your festivities with boring food facts, but I think Cabbage is worth sharing.

Did you know?

WFAS Fall Cabage Recipes & Blog 9.25.jpg

• There are several varieties of cabbage: green, red, savoy, Napa (Chinese cabbage) and bok-choy

• Cabbage, a member of the Brassica family, is exceptionally low in calories and high in fiber

• Cholesterol-lowering benefits abound in cabbage, especially when it is steam cooked

• High in the anti-oxidants Vitamin C, manganese and polyphenols, cabbage nutrients support oxygen metabolism, thereby reducing oxidative stress

• Cabbage cuts the inflammation!

• Digestive tract rescue can be found in cabbage juice, especially sauerkraut.

When shopping for cabbage, purchase firm and dense heads with outer leaves that are shiny, crisp and colorful. Avoid those that are cracked, bruised or blemished. Pre-cut cabbage or prepackaged cabbage is usually void of its valuable nutrients, especially the Vitamin C.

There are several ways to enjoy the flavor and health benefits of cabbage. Coleslaw is probably the most common cabbage dish and there are unlimited recipes to suit your tastes. Cabbage is a great filler for autumn and winter soups, can even be grilled or steamed with pork chops and sliced apples. Whatever method you choose to prepare cabbage––savor the flavor of this season!

German Cabbage Berrok

2 - pounds ground beef (or 1-lb beef and 1-lb pork)

1 - large head green cabbage, chopped

2 - large onions (white or yellow), chopped

1/2 - tsp garlic powder

1/2 - tsp salt

1/2 - tsp freshly ground pepper

1 - pkg hot roll mix (or other yeast dough)

Extra large, greased baking pan

• Preheat oven to 375-degrees F

• Prepare hot roll/bread mix according to package directions and have risen dough ready to be used.

• In large skillet, on medium heat, brown ground meat and onions until meat is almost completely cooked.

• Add cabbage and continue cooking until cabbage becomes translucent and meat is completely cooked. Pour off excessive liquid. Let mixture cool before filling dough squares.

• While mixture is cooling, roll dough into large rectangle, about 1/4-inch thick. Cut into 6-inch squares.

• Fill center of dough square with meat and cabbage mixture, leaving corners open to bring to center and pinch closed.

• Place filled dough, seamed-side down, in greased baking dish. Let rise about 20 minutes.

• Bake until bread is nicely browned, about 25-minutes.

Connie’s Comments: This recipe was handed down from my German grandmothers, who

immigrated from Russia in the early 1900’s. You may “modernize” as you choose by adding

shredded carrot or potato to the cabbage mixture to make a heartier meal.


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